How to stop your downswing. Ultimate edition
Just buy Acer notebook and sooner or later that bitch will crash and send your life to hell!
Just buy Acer notebook and sooner or later that bitch will crash and send your life to hell!
Labels: unstrategy
As every saturday [when I'm not suffering a hungover], I woke up and started FTP to have some monies from them drunk americans who play shit in the middle of the night. But, unfortunately, I was on the giving end this time and lost abother three buyins. Oh, that sucked!
As steam got off, I just had nothing left in me for cash games, so I joined 600FTP s'n'g and, whadayaknow, won it and recieved 26$ tourney token. After that, on the wings of success, I joined Tier One for 8$ and finished in top five for another 26$ token.
What do I do? What do I do?
I guess I will play 17000$ and 28000$ guarantee tournaments tomorrow. What the hell!!!
Wish me luck!
Labels: random, unstrategy
As the first thing, I want to say:
I guess you understand, that my day wasn't pretty in the sense of poker. I did nice reads all the way and got sucked out non-stop. Just a couple examples:
Pretty bad day - 3 buyins down in 1111 hands. It sucks. I try to remember, that it just happens and I will get my monies back in the long run, but sometimes it gets to you.
And now, after real poker content it's time for bonus - one of the hottest girls I've seen in years: that's why today here's two photos.
Labels: candy, unstrategy
That would be Poker After Dark Season Three, of course.
Unimportant thing first: I guess this is the first time, when an actual qualifier can sit at that table and, best of all, choose players to play against. The first lamb choose Negreanu, Matusow, Harman, Scotty and Hellmuthhhhhh. As some already said: "nightmare s'n'g". Could be. Moneywise. But, if I would be in his place, I would pick similar lineup, cause I would not go there for money, but for company.
OK, now for an important news: PAD have new hostess - Marianela Pereyra. Just can't understand those guys, who are putting her down - gorgeous girl! Click on pic to get a better view.
As for poker - 1K hands in session (4tabling) is the goal I'm following right now.
Story Nr.1
I got drunk. Really drunk. And come home in the early morning. As I am smart enough not to play drunk for real monies, I fire up One-get-it-all-54-player-SNG for my FTPoints. While I play with one hand [!!!! can YOU do that????] and wave goodbyes to my girlfriend, who goes to work, I end up on the final table. So I sit on the couch and after good run end up heads-up with 4:1 chiplead!
So, guess what happens?
I pass out for an hour.
Why? Cause I am stupid.
Story Nr.2
I join 500eiro freeroll at Nextpoker. Have no idea, why they send me an SMS about that, but whatever - after few tries I get that fucking software to work.
Entrants - 450. Level of play - have no idea - I am watching TV with my girl.
Bust out 52nd. 50 players paid.
Why? Cause I am stupid - my four tits [QQ] wasn't good there and I knew it.
Moral of the story?
An average day can become something extraordinary when you Play Poker. You can meet interesting people and win some extra pocket money. You know the game, it's easy