January 02, 2008

Because I am stupid [edited. guess what's added]

Story Nr.1

I got drunk. Really drunk. And come home in the early morning. As I am smart enough not to play drunk for real monies, I fire up One-get-it-all-54-player-SNG for my FTPoints. While I play with one hand [!!!! can YOU do that????] and wave goodbyes to my girlfriend, who goes to work, I end up on the final table. So I sit on the couch and after good run end up heads-up with 4:1 chiplead!

So, guess what happens?

I pass out for an hour.

Why? Cause I am stupid.

Story Nr.2

I join 500eiro freeroll at Nextpoker. Have no idea, why they send me an SMS about that, but whatever - after few tries I get that fucking software to work.

Entrants - 450. Level of play - have no idea - I am watching TV with my girl.

Bust out 52nd. 50 players paid.

Why? Cause I am stupid - my four tits [QQ] wasn't good there and I knew it.

Moral of the story?

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