August 02, 2007

Argue about Cash vs. Tournament

Very good post from Miami Don - one of the bloggers I read very regulary. Recently he posted very good written opinion about "Cash vs. Tournament poker" matter. He, of course, was on the cashgame's side and you just can't disagree with his thoughts. From other side, Chad from SNG Machine blog did the reply to Don's post defending tourneys and life within them.

After reading both posts I tend to agree with Don more. We have everyday needs and generally can't afford to wait for the big score [if we suggest, that poker is our everyday job]. And I don't think about just bread, water and rent - I talk new laptop, trip with family, clothes for kids... It's all about that. Tournament player wants to take big score after hundreds of bustouts. That's not gonna work. Let's imagine some predator out in the jungle, who eats only animals with, ummm... one eye. He will starve to death by the time he sees his dinner and then he will be so weak, he will not catch a shit.

Tournaments must be an addition to our lifes, not the main income. Ofcourse, I am not the one who could talk really, couse, as Otis said, "Ned Flanders thinks I am a pussy", but that's how it looks to me.


Chad C said...

If people aren't playing for a living it should not matter what they play. Poker is supposed to be fun and they should do what makes them happiest.

"Tournament player wants to take big score after hundreds of bustouts."

I fail to see the logic in this if said tournament player plays say $26 tournaments on Full Tilt. Said players wins the $28K one time for $6890.00. That is 265 buy ins......

Tournaments are not for everyone but they offer life changing money that leather ass cash grinders will never see.

osinsh said...

Let's start from the bottom.

Completely agree, that tournaments is like a fresh air sometimes. Yes, Yes, Yes. It has thrills, that no cashgame can provide [+/-].

But about that logic - I ment, that while person plays tournaments and just while climbs to that big win [what, of course, pays back all invested money pretty good, hah], he must take care about many aspects in his life and his finishes "just in the money" will not cover them. Of course, there are different people and so on, but I guess my point works to all of them.

And yes - if it isn't for a living, then this discussion lose pretty much sense overall.