July 31, 2007

Do not give me "wet fish " / lessons start to come back / and I am picky [but finally find smthn]

Since I started to spend time in poker blog community, I pretty fast started to like Otis posts in Up For Poker. Yes, sometimes some posts just weren't for me - about places I've never been, where some dudes I couldn't possibly know, do something this and that. Well, these posts are just skipped without any hard feelings. Sometimes, though, there are very very good posts. Now Otis came up with good article about young poker [and non-poker] culture of young guns, who don't have much under their belt as decent, respectful human beings/persons. There's a good phrase, that pretty much described that new generation: "Their grasp on morality, etiquette, and the golden rule is as weak as their handshake". Spot on! Go ahead and read it - it's called "TLDNR".

On Game: After happy-happy post sometime earlier I must say, that cashgames are still soft, but I am starting to make same old mistakes. Every now and then I just must to drop down about half a buy-in to crawl back up and earn something. I remember, I wrote very similar lines at the beginning of the year. Hah. OK. It's good, that my forgotten lessons doesn't cost me as much as then. The big pause in playing did some bad things, but now I learning good old truths quite faster.

And yes - how can you survive [ok, you can - I'm just saying that] without some daily doze of beauty. This time it's some pics of... Honestly, I am soooo picky. Couldn't find anything at the moment.
UPDATE: Ok. Found one good. Karen Cliche. Enjoy.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for reading and the link.
Hope all's well.


osinsh said...

You're very welcome! You can expect those things in the future too - just keep on doing what you're doing. :]

Life get's a little easier now with new job and being able afford some smokes and beer on the weekends - thanks for asking - much appreciated.